What is a Virtual Credit Card (VCC)?

A Virtual Credit Card (VCC) is a digital version of a credit card number that’s used primarily for online transactions. Unlike traditional physical cards, a VCC doesn’t exist in physical form and is often designed for single-use or short-term transactions, offering a layer of security and convenience for online purchases. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what a VCC entails:

Key Features of Virtual Credit Cards:

  1. Virtual Credit Card Number (VCN):
  • A virtual credit card comes with a randomly generated 16-digit credit card number, similar to standard Visa or MasterCard cards. However, this number is not tied to any physical card, making it exclusive to online or digital payments.
  1. Security Codes (CVV/CVV2):
  • Like regular credit cards, virtual credit cards have a Card Verification Value (CVV) or Card Security Code (CSC), which adds an extra layer of security during transactions. This ensures that the cardholder is the one making the purchase.
  1. Expiration Date:
  • Virtual credit cards often come with shorter expiration periods, such as 60 days, compared to physical credit cards. This feature enhances security, as the card becomes unusable after a short time, minimizing the risk of long-term exposure to fraud.

How Virtual Credit Cards Work:

Virtual credit cards are tied to a primary bank account, debit card, or credit card, and funds must be loaded into this account before making any transactions. This makes it distinct from random credit card number generators, as a VCC must have funds behind it for any transactions to be processed.

Benefits of Virtual Credit Cards:

  • Enhanced Security: Since the virtual credit card is typically single-use or has a short expiration period, it minimizes the risk of fraud. If the details are compromised, they will become useless after a short time.
  • Anonymity: When making online purchases, users don’t have to expose their actual card number, adding a layer of privacy.
  • Controlled Spending: Users can set a specific limit on the virtual card, ensuring they only spend a predetermined amount, preventing overspending or unauthorized transactions.

Where Can You Get a Virtual Credit Card?

Virtual credit cards can be obtained from various sources, including:

  • Banks and financial institutions
  • VCN providers partnered with Visa or MasterCard
  • Some third-party online payment platforms

These providers may charge service fees to cover the costs of maintaining the card’s infrastructure and security.


Virtual credit cards are a great solution for people who want to protect their financial information when shopping online. They offer flexibility, security, and peace of mind, making them a popular choice in the digital age. With increasing concerns about online fraud and identity theft, VCCs provide a secure alternative to traditional payment methods, ensuring your money is safe in the virtual world.